Insure that your investment is performing at its highest level of efficiency by maintaining it regularly as you would any new automobile or piece of high end equipment. Our signature 5-Star Service Program includes the following:
First we move your parts washer to clean the surrounding area if possible. We then empty the dirty water and clean out the holding tank of any foreign particles.
We then fill your parts washer with clean water and add the recommended amount of detergent using the #1 product in the industry; Cuda 100Z!
We clean all spray nozzles and spray bars that clog periodically from various dirt and other debris. We then empty your catch tray that protects your pump from nuts, bolts, paint, gaskets, silicone and any other foreign debris. Lastly we empty your skimmer bucket into your waste oil container.
We inspect your entire parts washer so we can address any parts that may be wearing that may cause down time of your machine. This includes but is not limited to seals, hand brushes, float rods, switches, etc. The cost of any replacement parts are not included in 5-Star Service Program price.
After our technician has completed your service, we install a service log to inform your staff when the washer was last serviced. This log also includes our phone number as a quick reference to order service or supplies. Before leaving we always verify you have plenty of detergent available to operate your parts washer.
Available service schedules include monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, or on an as needed basis. Service frequency is based on the usage of your machine.
The cost for all items listed above are for Cuda Parts Washers. These costs are also based on a regularly scheduled service plan. If your desired service schedule is more than every 2 months, please request a costomized quote. For parts washers other than a CUDA our prices are extremely competitive. Please request an individualized quote to assess your particular maintenance needs.
Enrolling in our 5-Star Service Program also significantly reduces your cost of replacement detergent per 5-gallon pail. Please contact us to see just how much you can save with each purchase. In addition, Initial service for purchasing a new Cuda Washer is free, after the first 60 days of use.